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Monday, March 28, 2011

Why we should care

Why should we care about what happens in places far away from where we live? The recent earthquake in Japan has attracted a lot of attention. As we watch the devastation being played out live on television, it is also heart warming to note that other people from all over the world are helping them one way or another. However, one might be curious as to why so many people care about the happenings in Japan. One might argue that the earthquake in Japan did not have a significant impact on us. Yes, Singapore was not directly affected by the earthquake physically. However, the disaster in Japan can affect everyone across the world. One of the main reasons is because we are also human; We can sympathise with them. It is very heart-breaking to see the people of Japan struggling to survive in the aftermaths of the disaster. Thousands of people were killed and even more are still missing. Children were orphaned overnight and loved ones were killed. Seeing the miserable state they are in, our compassion would take over and we would want to help them. The sight of people in tears, completely devastated by the earthquake: homes in ruins, rubble littering the ground, dead bodies all around, this would definitely invoke our sympathy. Unless one has a heart of steel, we would be affected emotionally and psychologically, giving us the urge to help them. We are still humans after all. When the earthquake struck, we are reminded of the value of human life. If we had any friends or relatives in Japan, we would be utterly worried for their safety and well-being. One would definitely look out for any way to help them. These people would be able to empathise with the Japanese who are finding news of their family in desperation. When a particular species gets wiped out on Earth, it would jeopardise the entire delicate eco-system. This also applies to humans. If the rest of the countries in the world do not care about Japan and left the Japanese to their fate, the consequences would be dire. Business in Japan is falling and they are making heavy losses. This is due to less tourists travelling to Japan and the radiation scare. There are in fact many Japanese companies in partnership with Singapore. When their business is not doing well, it would also affect the economy of Singapore (call it a chain-effect). When Japanese stocks fell, Singapore was also affected and shares also fell . This caused some negative impacts on Singapore's economy. Many Japanese products are also widely used here: game consoles, food stuff, electrical appliances, etc. Imagine your Nintendo or your favourite anime movie gone suddenly. It would leave a mark your life and you would definitely be affected. Sometimes it can make your life suddenly turn upside down - your favourite Japanese show stopped broadcasting, or that soap you always use would never be marketed again. It causes a sudden break in your life. From the Japanese earthquake alone, one can realise that whatever happens far away, may not necessarily be insignificant in your life. You would be affected one way or another, it is just a matter of how much it would change you.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Letter Writing

Shawn Chan
33 Hume Avenue #06-11 Symphony Heights

David S. Abraham
Hitachi International Affairs Fellow
Council on Foreign Relations
14 Pellet Road #11-77, Tokyo

Dear David,

How are you holding out in Tokyo right now? Was there any major destruction caused by the Earthquake in Tokyo? I hope that all is well in your area.

I am Shawn Chan from Singapore and I have read your article about the effects of the Japanese Earthquake in Tokyo. The experience must have certainly be not a very pleasant one, and I understand that you are indeed very worried about the current situation in Japan. However, please do not worry, for you have our support and encouragement.

You have the rest of the world cheering you on, urging all of you to not give up and move forward. Do not worry so much about the current situation in Tokyo and always look on the bright side of things. Be aware that there are people in other parts of the world that experienced even worse conditions. However, they are able to tide through these extreme conditions with a strong will-power. If they could do it, you are no exception and I believe you can still carry out your daily life without any difficulties. Do not give up!

Yes, Tokyo may be slightly more chaotic nowadays due to the earthquake, and your lives may be affected slightly, but look at how little the impact is on Tokyo. It would definitely take some time for the people to recover and resume their usual activities. However, I can be sure that the streets of Tokyo would be bustling with people again after a few months.

You also do not need to waste your time worrying about whether other people think another earthquake would hit Tokyo. As long as you feel that you are safe, just carry on with your life and not let this incident scar you for life. You need to live and let live. Once you have assured yourself that the worst is over, you would feel better. Ignore the other people, let them think for themselves, just do what you deem fit. After sometime, things will go back to the way they used to be.

Just take this incident as a lesson to everyone - we must all be vigilant even during a time of peace, for there is no telling when a pandemonium would break out. Remember, always look up for the whole world will be with you in these dark days.

Yours sincerely,