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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Osama- Should he be given a fair trial?

Osama, the world's most wanted terrorist and the head of the Al Qaeda terrorist group, was finally shot and killed on 21 May 2011. This event has been a major achievement in the United State's fight against terrorism. On that day, Americans ran amok on the streets in victorious celebration - justice was finally served for the innocents who died during the 9/11 incident. However, there have been mixed feelings about this incident, as human rights groups questioned whether Osama should have been arrested and be given a fair trial instead of being brutally cut down by bullets. However, Osama should not be given a fair trial, and it was most likely the best thing to do for the American forces to have shot him dead.

Firstly, Osama is a highly dangerous man. Osama could have fled or be given the chance to retaliate if the American soldiers tried to arrest him instead of killing him. Even if they successfully arrested him at the scene, he may break out of prison or escape later, and maybe even receive help from his followers to break him out of jail. In addition, if he is kept alive, he will still be given the chance to continue influencing others to join in his beliefs and join the Al Qaeda group. If he were to be killed there and then, there would not be any risk letting him escape or allow his to continue influencing others in his captivity. In fact, the terrorist network would be dealt a very severe blow.

Secondly, Osama would have received the same fate anyway. For his crimes of murdering thousands over the last few years, he would definitely be given the death sentence. However, this would deal a great blow to America's image of being a strong and powerful nation. The man that dares to challenge the nation, receiving a fair trial and a fair punishment, does not seem feasible at all to America. They want to defend their pride and honour and do not want it taken away from them by a mere "challenger" who only serves to terrorize the nation.

Lastly, Osama did not show any mercy to innocent victims in the first place, so he does not rightfully deserve any mercy in return. He have killed thousands of people over the last decade, most of them innocent people who were leading perfectly normal lives until disaster struck. In fact, he have cause much suffering to victims who suffered under his wrath. He have caused much distraught to countless people who suffered the lost of friends and relatives, or those who suffered mental and physical harm in terrorist acts.

As such, Osama should not have been given too fair a trial. We should not risk giving him the chance to deal even more damage to the society with the little time still given to him.

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